Clinic Report: Sally Cousins 2/19/17

The last clinic I did with Runkle was a year ago, with Jennie Brannigan. I haven't ridden with Sally in even longer.

For some reason we had a magical spring weekend in the middle of February. It was so nice we could actually do the clinic OUTSIDE. Jump clinic in the outdoor in February? I'm sure we'll pay for this weekend with four feet of snow in April but you know what? I'll take it. Maybe not gladly but I will.

Runkle's jump lessons have mostly focused on getting him up in front of my leg as much as possible. He's very simple in that that's his biggest obstacle. Forward. Once he's forward you take your hands a little wide and he can figure out the rest. I'm sure I'm over simplifying and not giving myself enough credit in the same breath but that's how he feels to me.

This lead to me making an acquisition this week, in the form of these spurs:
Runkle is a real turd about spurs. He sucks behind the bridle and goes backwards when you apply them, which is the exact opposite of what spurs are supposed to do. While these are a little on the pricey side, they definitely get the job done in asking him to go forward in a way that doesn't deeply offend him. I'd like to move past jumping him in a dressage whip someday.

Back to the clinic: I love riding with Sally. She's so great for young horses as she's brought up so freakin' many. She's excellent at zeroing in on very common easy to make mistakes that people overlook (like keeping your heels down). She's positive, and slowly builds up courses by having you do elements on their own or in small groups before having you do a course of five or six jumps.

I normally think doing a clinic is a waste of time for a young horse. You just have too much to learn, and a professional is overkill when you're still trying to get your horse moving straight and forward. I don't want to waste a four star rider's time with simple baby steps. But I never feel that way riding with Sally. Her clinics have always been valuable and no rider (or horse!) is too small for her. It's a nice feeling. I  can't say enough good things about her training abilities.

I'm delighted with where we ended up and it's getting me even more excited for the spring season. Runkle was forward, adjustable, and as I got more comfortable I could allow my hand to drop more into an automatic release and he was starting to use his head and neck more efficiently.

He's really come so far!

As an aside, I normally take the audio out of clinic/lesson videos. But I might need to leave it in for one of them, as Sally had an extensive conversation about my purple hair and how my helmet cover wasn't bright enough to match.

Just saying.


  1. Replies
    1. thank you!! I need to do some kind of before & after at some point because he's come soooo far, bless him

  2. Looking so great. She sounds like a fabulous clinician. Also, I LOVE your giant outdoor :)

    1. she really is. and omg the outdoor is amazing, and the best part is the footing. even the day after hurricane sandy we could still have jump lessons outside!!

  3. You guys look great!
    Also, roller spurs FTW. Big fan.

    1. i want a little banner that says "i <3 roller spurs" to bring to shows with me

  4. You guys look so awesome! Sounds like a great clinic :)

  5. Looking good girl! Ready to kick some ass and take some names, for sure! Also, if Sally is doing another clinic in the area PLEASE let me know!! She sounds like the ideal clinician for me to work with, plus omg HOW FUN would it be to spend the day at a clinic together?!

    1. ooo yeah she actualy would be awesome for you. she's in aiken right now, but come summer when she's back up at this area she actually teaches at my farm every wednesday (for cheaps too, used to be $80/75 for a private)

      I'll let you know!

    2. UM WHAT that is entirely affordable!! I so appreciate you giving me a heads up when she's back north! Thanks girl!

  6. You two look great! Sounds like you had an amazing lesson. It's really nice when a clinician makes you feel like you're worth his/her time. I think you get a lot more out of it, that's for sure!
    Interesting about those spurs. My OTTB does the same thing with spurs. Or leg. Or stick. Maybe I'll find a pair to try and see if they help with him.

    1. yeah the only thing that didn't deeply offend runkle was the dressage whip, which is definitely my favorite artificial aid. these spurs are a very close second tho...

    2. Romey finds my very existence to be offensive.

  7. Oh man. I love those spurs. I've recently discovered I can roll them up Pig's side toward his shoulder and INSTANTLY get him to yield his sticky ribcage. Yessssss. Now, to try not to abuse my new power. Haha.

    You guys look amazing!

    1. OH MAN lateral work!!! i didn't even think! I got so excited with forward...

  8. Gotta say that I MUCH PREFER this type of blog post to any of the splintober posts!!!! So freakin exciting to see Runkle back in action - y'all look great!!!

    1. right???!!! i was getting so tired of coming up with content that wasnt "hand walking prison, day 93: the inmates are getting restless"


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