Y'all... it's been a rough week in the horse world. But I have a BIG bone to pick with Eventing Nation. On October 3rd they did one of their famous 'eventer problems' posts all about people who have purple cross country colors, and for some unknown reason I wasn't featured.

I got several PMs, Facebook tags, and even a couple texts commenting on my absence in this post and I obviously haven't forgotten about it, seeing as that post is almost a year old.

Because really, you're going to have a post like that and not include me? Someone has purple nail polish and they're a purple freak?

Child's play.

Matchy LeMieux set? You wish.

Purple is the color of royalty and I'm here to be queen.

k these leathers look too pink but they ARE listed as purple.
Maybe more fuschia?

But you know what? I was looking at these pictures and realized I *AM* missing something, and it's probably why I haven't been given any awards (is there an award for being so purple your eyes bleed?)

Never fear, this week I rectified it.

EGlove has got a bunch of pretty, bright colors to choose from. They also have boring ones like navy and brown. I can't attest to the durability yet because I've been so busy I haven't had time to do things like... you know... ride.

I can rest easy knowing they'll look good even if they're sitting unused in my helmet though.

Happy Friday, everybody!


  1. Long live the boring colors. :P I'm not cool enough for purple and pom poms.

    1. if lemieux gets a navy pom cover I'm getting it for you for your birthday

  2. #GOALS

    Purple is my color too. So far I only have some grooming tools and a saddle pad, but I'm taking notes, because I love those gloves.

    1. oh if you need help with the purple I know of so many purple things that I don't even have need to get.

  3. Lol! This is fab. And clearly Eventing Nation did not do their research before writing that article.

  4. Those purple gloves are awesome!

  5. Those gloves are great. Dijon's color was purple and I really liked it. I might go back to it one day if I get another horse.

    1. they have a GORGEOUS teal color if nilla ever makes a triumphant return...

  6. Bahahahaha love it!

    1. they have gorgeous teal too >:)

      I'm here to help.

  7. You are THE Purple Megan for a reason lol

  8. Ah so you are THE Megan folks have been telling me about- Happy to meet another purple enthusiast!


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