Spicy's Baseline, Year End 2018

My last couple posts I've talked about my realizations with Spicy and what we want to do going forward. I've already implemented some of these changes and am seeing very satisfying results. Before I go too far along, however, I really want to get down an accurate baseline for us so I can appreciate the changes in him (and me!) as they come.

While I'm sure a lot of things will jump to mind about what I can and should absolutely fix - like, can I get a hand transplant or is it too late for that?? - I ask that you just look at this as an example of point A, for when we get to point B later.

On Dec 30th,  not knowing I was about to overhaul our training, I set the Soloshot up and put together a quick edit of our clusterfuck ride. The beginning of the ride is how most of our rides have been lately. The clip after I unplanned dismount (spoiler alert) is how he is 'relaxed' after we have our little spaz for 20-40 minutes. Relaxed is in quotes because he's still rigid as all hell in his back. See below.

I should mention he had his teeth done twice this year, and also had 60 days of ulcer treatment.

A few other notes about where we were at that time:
  • The day after the above video was taken I spent 45 minutes trying to load him to go to a dressage lesson, eventually scrapping the whole trip because I realized none of this was working and we needed a hard reset.
  • He was impossible for me to catch. Anyone else besides me could catch him, but he'd spend hours running from me. Usually someone else showed up or took pity on me and caught him for me, or I'd request he be left in.
  • While grooming was tolerated, tacking up resulted in almost frantic behavior. The girth especially caused a lot of angst. He was also extremely grumpy to blanket!!
  • The first 5-10 minutes of off property trail rides were jigging. Then he'd completely relax and walk for hours, not flinching at a thing.
Even jotting these few notes down makes me feel really pleased about how far he's come. He's much happier on the ground instead of just tolerant. While I used a lot of treats to help me catch him in the beginning, I haven't in a few days and he meanders over from his hay pile when I call him.

If I can fix these things I know we can get somewhere together, and I'm looking forward to the summer more and more!


  1. I have faith in you and Spicy both and you will get there. Even though he was an older find and was pretty well started it sounds like you and he had some growing pains to get through first. You are figuring him out and he you!! I look forward to seeing follow up compared to his baseline. Until then, just keep on purpling :)

    1. I think we went as far as we could until the holes in his training started to get so big we fell into them. Some horses are more accepting to their own shortcomings, while I guess others get a little nervous!

  2. Spicy looks very familiar. 😉 I like how you just stay there for him.

    1. I'm trying! It's hard when your horse is that scared and distracted when nothing is actually wrong. It must be very unpleasant for him.

  3. i know we've already talked about this after you sent the vid (tho i admit i didn't watch the whole thing and didn't see the fall :( sorry about that), but i have full faith you'll be able to keep working through this! i'm so glad you've already seen such good progress! he honestly seems like such a good egg (like how he didn't just peace out after the tumble), but like he just doesn't understand and isn't totally committed to your leadership. that's all workable tho. in a way maybe this is the flip side of getting an older more emotionally mature green horse -- he's still just as green, but is maybe more set in his ways and less convinced that he should change? idk. he's awesome tho, very cute in all his unintended lateral work lol. can't wait to see how he comes out this spring!

    1. Hah the pop off is a reward for watching 4 minutes of going sideways. I probably should've cut more out because it's so boring but his sideways flexibility was mesmerizing to me..

  4. Thank you for posting the video. In solidarity, my horse looks a lot like your horse (except she rears and generally is a much bigger asshole about things) and seeing your video made me feel like there is hope just now, which I have slowly been losing. Please keep posting about what you’ve been up to since then and what works and what doesn’t!

    1. I definitely will! I kind of hope that my blog is found by people who are a little lost with horses like spicy and I can say something that makes them feel hopeful and gets them back on track. Even if the end result is to adjust my expectations instead of changing the horse.


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